Business Intelligence that makes a difference for Carlsberg Sverige
Business Intelligence that makes a difference for Carlsberg Sverige
For several years, Infozone has worked together with Carlsberg on a continuous basis to develop their solution for decision support. It’s a collaboration aimed to increase efficiency in all aspects of Carlsberg Sweden’s operations.
When Infozone started working with Carlsberg in 2013, they were facing the challenge of accessing financial information quickly to make fact-based strategic business decisions. They had the ambition to change the way of working because they were spending 80% of the time dealing with information to analyze and only 20 % of the time for taking actions. Instead, they wanted to revert the ratio of their time usage – 80 % for action-oriented operations and 20% for data analysis.
How does Infozone collaborate with Carlsberg?
Infozone accepted the challenge, and today we work together with a team of controllers and management from Carlsberg. Our work is focused on making steady improvements in several areas of operations and repeated efforts in business development.
The BI solutions at Carlsberg
In close collaboration with Carlsberg, Infozone has created solutions for financial follow-up, planning, marketing analysis, and production planning.
Together we conduct continuous business evaluations for Carlsberg to fulfill their requirements. This allows them to focus on growing their business without sacrificing time in finding the information in a sea of data. An example of solutions Infozone has provided is the planning and follow-up from EBIT level down to SKU and customer level. Combining data from SAP and market-impact data effectively creates decision support for all parts of the business. Carlsberg’s solution is based on Qlik, Web-based planning portal, and NPrinting.
With Infozone’s various BI solutions, Carlsberg has been able to reduce the time spent on information analysis which has created opportunities for the company to act quickly on business and industry movements.
About Carlsberg Sverige AB
Carlsberg is Sweden’s largest brewery with brands such as Carlsberg, Falcon, Pripps, Festis, and Apotekarnes. Carlsberg Sverige is a part of the Carlsberg Group with breweries in several different countries, and their products are sold in more than 150 countries.