Published 8 March 2023

The Impact of Data Trends in Manufacturing on the Role of IT and BI Managers

The Impact of Data Trends in Manufacturing on the Role of IT and BI Managers

Manufacturing generates a massive amount of data, from supply chain management to production and quality control. There has been a shift in the industry towards utilizing data to improve efficiency and drive business outcomes. Infozone is always working to improve our services and provide the solutions our customers need. In this four-part series, we will explore some modern data trends and the importance of information technology (IT) and business intelligence (BI) managers in manufacturing.

Modern Data Trends

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a significant modern trend in manufacturing. IoT devices can monitor production processes in real-time and provide insights into potential problems before they occur. IoT data can be used to optimize production processes and reduce downtime, increasing productivity and profitability.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are also effective tools for analyzing data. AI algorithms can check historical data to identify patterns and anomalies that humans often can’t. This can lead to more accurate forecasting, improved quality control, and better decision-making.

Data analytics is prevalent in modern manufacturing. With data from production systems and supply chain data, manufacturers can gain valuable insights into their operations. This information can be used to optimize processes, reduce costs, and improve customer satisfaction. However, one of the biggest challenges can be storing and cleaning data, which is where a data warehouse automation tool, such as TimeXtender, is essential.


IT and BI Managers

IT and BI managers are responsible for implementing and managing the technology systems that collect and analyze data. They must ensure data is accurate, secure, and accessible to those who need it. They are also responsible for ensuring the technology systems are up to date and employees are trained how to use them.

IT and BI managers play a critical role in managing the technology systems that collect and analyze data. By utilizing IoT devices, AI, and data warehouse automation, manufacturers can gain valuable insights and make more informed decisions.

As manufacturing continues to evolve, it will be crucial for companies to stay up to date on the latest data trends and technologies, and for IT and BI managers to know how those trends and technologies affect the business. Stay tuned for more!

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